

After receiving the certificate of GMP in 2018, the company "Tonus-Les" began production of its own line of vitamins, which includes the most vital and widely applicable vitamins.

By 2021, the line of vitamins "Tonus-Les" includes 4 products, which are registered in the unified register of dietary supplements of the EAEU - D3 Tonus, Calcium D3 Tonus, Folate B9 Tonus and Zinc Tonus. In the near future it is planned to release 5 more names to the market.

Vitamins produced by “Tonus-Les” have gained great popularity among consumers and healthcare professionals from the first day, thanks to their European quality, compliance with the requirements of pharmacopoeias and, at the same time, an affordable price.

The company`s product portfolio also includes medicines Ambroton-children`s cough syrup and Tonopenem-the latest generation of antibiotics; as well as cosmetics and disinfectants.
2021-04-06 22:36